Timadeuc Espoir en Dieur

- Always On Display -
Far into the wilderness where God leads you
Au fond du désert où Dieu te mène

The monastic life is a life of isolation, apart, but a passionate
one where those in search of God have replied to Christ's calling : here is the cast !

The following freeze frames - prayer, work, brotherly life, guests and hospitality -
will portray this in our unique Cistercian way, that is to say with a straightforward simplicity.

The film shoot takes place in Brittany at Notre-Dame de Timadeuc Abbey.

The script has been cut back to the basics intentionally : "to prefer nothing to the love of Christ."

The screenplay is the same from generation to generation of Monks :
"Behold now, what is so good or so pleasant as for brethren to dwell together in unity !"

And official trailer : who knows? Maybe that will make you want to learn
why there is so much joy in leaving the world of possessions behind to live at "the school of the Lord's service" ?

Silence, we're filming ! Lights ! Camera ! Action !

The authors : the Monks of Timadeuc.

as the discreet testimony of the presence of the Church within the world.

as the choir from which raise the praise of the community for the glory of God
by celebrating the marvels of his love for the whole humanity.

So, although the abbey can't be visited, anybody can have access to the abbey church.
Stay for some time of silence and join the choir of the monks to pray with them during the services.

Listen to the Monks' Choir

Timadeuc Espoir en Dieu

Choose an album then click on it, listen, meditate, pray ...

Timadeuc Espoir en Dieu

Louange Monastique

Louange Monastique