The Monastic Day

"Ora & labora !"

The motto of the Benedictine Order

The Monastic Day

Monastic Prayer Schedule

"The indicating of the hour for the Work of God shall devote upon the Abbot."

The Rule of Saint Benedict, chapter 47.

Monastic Prayer Schedule

  • from 14th September (None) to 30th April
Weekdays Sunday
Vigils 3:45 3:45
Lauds 6:45 7:30
Terce 9:00
Eucharist 8:00 (11:15 Saturday) 11:00
Sext 12:00
None 14:00 14:30
Vespers 17:30 17:30
Compline 19:35 19:35
  • from 1st May to 14th September
Weekdays Sunday
Vigils 4:15 4:15
Lauds 7:00 7:30
Terce 9:00
Eucharist 8:00 (11:30 Saturday) 11:00
Sext 12:10
None 14:15 14:30
Vespers 18:00 18:00
Compline 20:05 20:05

Liturgical Schedule

"The indicating of the hour for the Work of God shall devote upon the Abbot."

The Rule of Saint Benedict, chapter 47.

Liturgical Schedule

Mon 9 December 2024 the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  Vigils 3:45
  Lauds 7:30
  Terce 9:00
  Eucharist 11:00
  None 14:30
  Vespers 17:30
  Compline 19:35
Tue 24 December 2024 Chrismas Eve
  Vigils 3:45
  Lauds 7:30
  Terce 9:00
  Eucharist 11:00
  None 14:30
  Vespers 17:30
  Compline 19:35
  Prayer Vigil 22:15
  Midnight Mass 00:00
Wed 25 December 2024 Chrismas Day
  Lauds 7:30
  Terce 9:00
  Eucharist 11:00
  None 14:30
  Vespers 17:30
  Compline 19:35
Wed 1 st January 2025 Mary, the Holy Mother of God
  Vigils 3:45
  Lauds 7:30
  Terce 9:00
  Eucharist 11:00
  None 14:30
  Vespers 17:30
  Compline 19:35
Sun 26 January 2025 Sts Robert, Alberic and Stephen, founder abbots of Cîteaux
  Vigils 3:45
  Lauds 7:30
  Terce 9:00
  Eucharist 11:00
  None 14:30
  Vespers 17:30
  Compline 19:35
Wed 5 March 2025 Ash Wednesday
  Vigils 3:45
  Lauds 6:45
  Eucharist 11:15
  None 14:00
  Vespers 17:30
  Compline 19:35
Wed 19 March 2025 St Joseph, Sponse of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  Vigils 3:45
  Lauds 7:30
  Terce 9:00
  Eucharist 11:00
  None 14:30
  Vespers 17:30
  Compline 19:35
Tue 25 March 2025 the Annunciation of the Lord
  Vigils 3:45
  Lauds 7:30
  Terce 9:00
  Eucharist 11:00
  None 14:30
  Vespers 17:30
  Compline 19:35
Sun 13 April 2025 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
  Vigils 3:45
  Lauds 7:30
  Terce 9:00
  Eucharist 11:00
  None 14:45
  Vespers 17:30
  Compline 19:35
Thu 17 April 2025 MAUNDY THURSDAY
  Vigils 3:45
  Lauds 7:00
  Sext 12:00
  None 14:00
  Eucharist 19:00
Fri 18 April 2025 GOOD FRIDAY
  Vigils 5:15
  Lauds 8:00
  Terce 10:00
  Sext 12:00
  Passion of Our Lord 15:00
  Compline 19:35
Sat 29 April 2025 HOLY SATURDAY
  Vigils 3:45
  Lauds 7:30
  Sext 12:00
  None 14:00
  Vespers 17:30
  Easter Vigil 22:00
  Lauds 8:30
  Eucharist 11:00
  None 14:45
  Vespers 17:30
  Compline 19:35
Mon 21 April 2025 Easter Monday
  Vigils 4:15
  Lauds 7:30
  Eucharist 11:15
  None 14:30
  Vespers 17:30
  Compline 19:35
Thu 29 May 2025 the Ascension of the Lord
  Vigils 4:15
  Lauds 7:30
  Terce 9:00
  Eucharist 11:00
  None 14:30
  Vespers 18:00
Sun 8 June 2025 Pentecost Sunday
  Vigils 4:15
  Lauds 7:30
  Terce 9:00
  Eucharist 11:00
  None 14:45
  Vespers 18:00
  Compline 20:05
Mon 28 June 2025 Whit Monday : The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church
  Vigils 4:15
  Lauds 7:30
  Eucharist 11:30
  None 14:30
  Vespers 18:00
  Compline 20:05
Tue 24 June 2025 the Nativity of St John the Baptist
  Vigils 4:15
  Lauds 7:30
  Terce 9:00
  Eucharist 11:00
  None 14:30
  Vespers 18:00
  Compline 20:05
Fri 11 July 2025 Our Holy Father, St Benedict, † 547, Patron of Europe
  Vigils 4:15
  Lauds 7:30
  Terce 9:00
  Eucharist 11:00
  None 14:30
  Vespers 18:00
  Compline 20:05
Fri 15 August 2025 the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  Vigils 4:15
  Lauds 7:30
  Terce 9:00
  Eucharist 11:00
  None 14:45
  Vespers 18:00
  Compline 20:05
Wed 20 August 2025 St Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux, Priest and Doctor of the Church, † 1153
  Vigils 4:15
  Lauds 7:30
  Terce 9:00
  Eucharist 11:00
  None 14:30
  Vespers 18:00
  Compline 20:05
Sat 1 st november 2025 All Saints Day
  Vigils 4:15
  Lauds 7:30
  Terce 9:00
  Eucharist 11:00
  None 14:30
  Vespers 18:00
  Compline 20:05

Shop opening times

"It any of the work of the craftsmen is to be sold,
those responsible for the sale must not dare to practise any fraud."

The Rule of Saint Benedict, chapter 57.

Shop opening times

from 14th September (None) to 30th April
Weekdays :
  • from 9:00 to 11:45 and from 14:30 to 17:00.
Saturdays :
  • from 9:00 to 10:55 and from 14:30 to 17:00.
Sunday :
  • from 15:00 to 17:00.
Solemnities :
  • from 9:00 to 10:40 and from 15:00 to 17:00.
from 1st May to 13th September
Weekdays :
  • from 9:00 to 11:50 and from 14:45 to 17:30.
Saturdays :
  • from 9:00 to 11:10 and from 14:45 to 17:30.
Sundays :
  • from 15:00 to 17:30.
Solemnities :
  • from 9:00 to 10:40 and from 15:00 to 17:30.