The Monks' Prayer

"To devote oneself frequently to prayer."

The Rule of Saint Benedict, chapter 4.

The Monks' Prayer

 The Cistercian monk is a man who knows he is called to a life of prayer.

 Prayer takes various forms in his life.

 There is the so-called prayer of the Divine Office or Liturgy of the Hours. It is the great prayer of the Church which the monastic community celebrates, from Vigils in the heart of the night :

"Lord, you will open my lips; and my mouth will proclaim your praise."
until Compline before retiring for the evening.

 Besides, in the morning and in the evening, with the Major Hours of Lauds and Vespers, monks join the prayer of the Church, the people of God called to praise and supplication.
Monks also celebrate the Little Hours (Terce, Sext, None) which express how much all of life is imbued with prayer.

 Finally, all brothers are assembled in the choir for the Eucharist which is the heart of the monastic day, the source and the culmination of all the life of the Church, of the Work of God.

 Each monk also devotes time during the day to personal prayer often called orison.

 It is definitely a deep and intimate experience, giving oneself up into the Father’s hands, intimacy with the Lord Jesus, a smooth and peaceful submission to the Holy Spirit. It is up to each monk to let himself be led into that prayer to which he is called through his baptism.

 In his continuous search of God, the monk also goes to the scriptorium for Lectio Divina, where he is supported by the silent presence of his brothers. It is first and foremost a spiritual meditative reading of the Word of God written in the Bible and also of the words of men and women who have brought it within our reach, the Doctors of the Church and of the monastic tradition, past and present.

 All of that naturally leads the monk to live his days in what the elders called "continuous prayer" which is usually a jaculatory prayer springing forth spontaneously as a cry of love :

"Jesus, have mercy on me !"
"Glory to you, O Lord !"
 The fruit of those various forms of prayer is to lead the monk, little by little, into inner silence where words are no longer needed : there is only the whisper of the Spirit in the heart of the monk in whom the Holy Spirit dwells

Cistercian Hymns

"And no one shall presume to sing or read
unless he can fulfill that office in such a way as to edify the hearers."

The Rule of Saint Benedict, chapter 47.

Cistercian Hymns

 Here is what the General Instruction of the Divine Office says about hymns :

"A very ancient tradition gives hymns the place in the office that they still retain. By their mystical and poetic character they are specifically designed for God's praise. But they also are an element for the people ; in fact more often than the other parts of the office the hymns bring out the proper theme of individual hours or feasts and incline and draw the spirit to a devout celebration. The beauty of their language often adds to this power. Furthermore, in the office hymns are the main poetic element created by the Church" (n°173).
 The liturgical reform precisely allowed the writing of new hymns and that is the reason why the "Commission Francophone Cistercienne" (CFC) got started into writing, together with other authors.

 For example, Brother Paul has composed hymns and we sing some of them at the office :

Prayer Requests

"And never despair of God's mercy."

The Rule of Saint Benedict, chapter 4.

Prayer Requests

 Very often people say to us :

"Pray for me ; pray for my family"
 In that request, lies the firm belief in the role of monks and especially in the ministry and the service of prayer. Thus, we invite you to send us your prayer requests. They will be brought to the brothers’ attention during our liturgical service. This way we express our deep communion and our solidarity with the people of God.

 You can send us your prayer requests by Mail : or

 Also, if you ask for it, a priest-monk can include a prayer request in the Eucharist. For instance a mass for a deceased person, a relative, a friend.

 Or else a Thanksgiving mass for a golden or silver wedding, a priestly jubilee or a particular intention such as a recovery.

 The celebration of mass is free of charge and is priceless. But the faithful, from the start, have wanted to show that sharing the Eucharist involves the whole being, just as Christ fully committed himself, giving his life to free us from sin and from death and to offer us eternal life. Hence their offerings, either in kind (the origin of the Offertory) or in cash in order to provide for the expenses of worship, to support the priests and the life of the Church.

 Currently, the amount of the stipend is 17 € for a request for a mass. You can also ask for a novena (9 masses in a row : 170 €) or for Gregorian masses (30 masses on 30 consecutive days : 600 €).

Download the Mass Intention Form



The Rule of Saint Benedict, chapter 43.

Cistercian Ordo

- the Season of Advent -                                  .
Sun 1 1st Sunday of Advent - Year C
Mon 2
Tue 3 St Francis Xavier, Priest, † 1552
Wed 4
Thu 5
Fri 6
Sat 7 St Ambrose, Bishop and Doctor of the Church, † 397
Sun 8 2nd Sunday of Advent
Mon 9 the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Tue 10
Wed 11
Thu 12
Fri 13 St Lucy, Virgin and Martyr
Sat 14 St John of the Cross, Priest and Doctor of the Churc, † 1591
Sun 15 3rd Sunday of Advent
Mon 16
Tue 17 - O Sapientia -
Wed 18 - O Adonai -
Thu 19 - O Radix Iesse -
Fri 20 - O Clavis David -
Sat 21 - O Oriens -
Sun 22 4th Sunday of Advent : - O Rex Gentium -
Mon 23 - O Emmanuel -
Tue 24
- the Christmas/Epiphany Season -
Wed 25 the Nativity of the Lord
Thu 26 St Stephen, the first Martyr
Fri 27 St John, Apostle and Evangelist
Sat 28 the Holy Innocents, Martyrs
Sun 29 the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
Mon 30
Tue 31
Wed 1 Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God
Thu 2 Sts Basil the Great, † 379
and Gregory Nazianzen, † around 389, Bishops and Doctors of the Church
Fri 3
Sat 4
Sun 5 the Epiphany of the Lord
Mon 6
Tue 7
Wed 8
Thu 9
Fri 10
Sat 11
Sun 12 the Baptism of the Lord
- Ordinary Time -
Mon 13 St Hilaire, Bishop and Doctor of the Church, † 367
Tue 14
Wed 15 Sts Maur and Placid, Disciples of our Father St Benedict, † 6th century
Thu 16
Fri 17 St Anthony, Abbot, † 356
Sat 18
Sun 19 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mon 20
Tue 21 St Agnes, Virgin and Martyr, † 305
Wed 22
Thu 23
Fri 24 St Francis de Sales, Bishop and Doctor of the Church, † 1622
Sat 25 the Conversion of St Paul the Apostle
Sun 26 Sts Robert, Alberic et Stephen, founder Abbots of Cîteaux
Mon 27
Tue 28 St Thomas Aquinas, Priest and Doctor of the Church, † 1274
Wed 29
Thu 30
Fri 31 St John Bosco, Priest, † 1888
Sat 1
Sun 2 the Presentation of the Lord
Mon 3
Tue 4
Wed 5 St Agatha, Virgin and Martyr, † 251
Thu 6 St Paul Miki, Priest and Companions, Martyrs, † 1597
Fri 7
Sat 8
Sun 9 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mon 10 Ste Scholastica, Virgin † v.547
Tue 11
Wed 12
Thu 13
Fri 14 Sts Cyril, Monk, † 869, and Methodius, † 885, Bishop, Patrons of Europe
Sat 15
Sun 16 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mon 17
Tue 18
Wed 19
Thu 20
Fri 21 St Peter Damian, Bishop and Doctor of the Churc, † 1072
Sat 22 the Chair of St Peter, Apostle
Sun 23 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mon 24
Tue 25
Wed 26
Thu 27
Fri 28
Sat 1
Sun 2 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mon 3
Tue 4
- The Season of Lent -
Wed 5 Ash Wednesday
Thu 6
Fri 7
Sat 8
Sun 9 1st Sunday of Lent
Mon 10
Tue 11
Wed 12
Thu 13
Fri 14
Sat 15
Sun 16 2nd Sunday of Lent
Mon 17
Tue 18 Dedication ot Vannes Cathedral (1499)
Wed 19 St Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Thu 20
Fri 21
Sat 22
Sun 23 3rd Sunday of Lent
Mon 24
Tue 25 the Annunciation of the Lord
Wed 26
Thu 27
Fri 28
Sat 29
Sun 30 4th Sunday of Lent, Lætare
Mon 31
Tue 1
Wed 2
Thu 3
Fri 4
Sat 5 St Vincent Ferrier, Priest, † 1419
Sun 6 5th Sunday of Lent
Mon 7 St Jean-Baptiste de la Salle, Priest, † 1719
Tue 8
Wed 9
Thu 10
Fri 11
Sat 12
Sun 13 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
Mon 14
Tue 15
Wed 16
- The Paschal Triduum of the Passion and Resurrection of the Lord -
- The Easter Season -
Mon 21
Tue 22
Wed 23
Thu 24
Fri 25
Sat 26
Sun 27 2nd Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy)
Mon 28 St Louis Grignion de Montfort, Priest, † 1716
Tue 29 St Catherine of Siena, Virgin and Doctor of the Church, Patron of Europe, † 1380
Wed 30
Thu 1
Fri 2 St Athanasius, Bishop and Doctor of the Church, † 373
Sat 3 Sts Philip and James, Apostles
Sun 4 3rd Sunday of Easter
Mon 5
Tue 6
Wed 7
Thu 8 Bl. Christian de Chergé and his Companions, religious, the Algerian martyrs, † 1996
Fri 9
Sat 10
Sun 11 4th Sunday of Easter
Mon 12
Tue 13
Wed 14 St Matthias, Apostle
Thu 15 St Pachomius, Abbot, † 346
Fri 16
Sat 17
Sun 18 5th Sunday of Easter
Mon 19
Tue 20
Wed 21 St Patern, first Bishop of Vannes
Thu 22
Fri 23
Sat 24
Sun 25 6th Sunday of Easter
Mon 26
Tue 27 St Augustine of Canterbury, † 604 or 605
Wed 28
Thu 29 The Ascension of the Lord
Fri 30
Sat 31 the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Sun 1 7th Sunday of Easter
Mon 2
Tue 3 St Charles Lwanga and Companions, Martyrs, † 1886
Wed 4
Thu 5 St Boniface, Bishop and Martyr, † 754
Fri 6
Sat 7
Sun 8 Pentecost Sunday
- Ordinary Time -
Mon 9 Mary, Mother of the Church
Tue 10
Wed 11 St Barnabas, Apostle
Thu 12
Fri 13 St Anthony of Padua, Priest and Doctor of the Church, † 1231
Sat 14
Sun 15 the Most Holy Trinity
Mon 16 St Lutgard, Cistercian, Virgin
Tue 17 Bl. Joseph Mary Cassant, Cistercian Priest, † 1903
Wed 18
Thu 19
Fri 20
Sat 21 St Aloysius Gonzaga, Religious, † 1591
Sun 22 the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
Mon 23
Tue 24 Nativity of St John the Baptist
Wed 25
Thu 26
Fri 27 the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
Sat 28 Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Sun 29
Mon 30
Tue 1
Wed 2
Thu 3 St Thomas, Apostle
Fri 4
Sat 5
Sun 6 Dedication of Timadeuc abbey (1899)
Mon 7
Tue 8 Bl Eugene III, Cistercian Pope, † 1153
Wed 9
Thu 10
Fri 11 Our Holy Father St Benedict, † 547, Patron of Europe
Sat 12
Sun 13 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mon 14
Tue 15 St Bonaventure, Bishop and Doctor of the Church, † 1274
Wed 16 Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Thu 17
Fri 18
Sat 19
Sun 20 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mon 21
Tue 22 St Mary Magdalene (Fondation of the abbey in 1841)
Wed 23 St Bridget, Religious, Patron of Europe, † 1373
Thu 24
Fri 25 St James, Apostle
Sat 26 St Anne
Sun 27 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mon 28
Tue 29 Sts Martha, Mary and Lazarus, Hosts of the Lord
Wed 30
Thu 31 St Ignatius of Loyola, Priest, † 1556
Fri 1 St Alphonsus Mary Liguori, Bishop and Doctor of the Church, † 1787
Sat 2
Sun 3 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mon 4 St John Mary Vianney, Priest, † 1859
Tue 5
Wed 6 the Transfiguration of the Lord
Thu 7
Fri 8 St Dominic, Priest, † 1221
Sat 9 Ste Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, Virgin and Martyr, Patron of Europe † 1942
Sun 10 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mon 11 St Clare, Virgin, † 1253
Tue 12
Wed 13
Thu 14 St Maximilian Mary Kolbe, Priest and Martyr, † 1941
Fri 15 Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Sat 16
Sun 17 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mon 18
Tue 19 Bl. Guerric, Cistercian Abbot, † 1157
Wed 20 St Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux and Doctor of the Church, † 1153
Thu 21 St Pius X, Pope, † 1914
Fri 22 The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Sat 23
Sun 24 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mon 25
Tue 26
Wed 27 Ste Monica, † 387
Thu 28 St Augustine, Bishop and Doctor of the Church, † 430
Fri 29 the Passion of St John the Baptist
Sat 30
Sun 31 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mon 1
Tue 2
Wed 3 St Gregory the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church, † 604
Thu 4
Fri 5
Sat 6
Sun 7 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mon 8
Tue 9
Wed 10
Thu 11
Fri 12
Sat 13 St John Chrysostom, Bishop and Doctor ot the Church, † 407
Sun 14 the Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Mon 15
Tue 16 Sts Cornelius, Pope,† 253, and Cyprien, Bishop, † 258, Martyrs
Wed 17
Thu 18
Fri 19
Sat 20 Sts Andrew Kim Tae-gon, Priest,
and Paul Chong Ha-sang, and Companions, Martyrs, † 1839-1864
Sun 21 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mon 22
Tue 23 St Pio of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio), Priest, † 1968
Wed 24
Thu 25
Fri 26
Sat 27 St Vincent de Paul, Priest, † 1660
Sun 28 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mon 29 Sts Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, Archangels (Michaelmas)
Tue 30 St Jerome, Priest and Doctor ot the Church, † 420
Wed 1 St Thérèse of the Child Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church, † 1897
Thu 2 the Holy Guardian Angels
Fri 3
Sat 4 St Francis of Assisi, † 1226
Sun 5 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mon 6 St Bruno, Priest and Hermit, † 1101
Tue 7 Our Lady of the Rosary
Wed 8
Thu 9
Fri 10
Sat 11 St John XXIII, Pope, † 1963
Sun 12 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mon 13
Tue 14
Wed 15 St Theresa of Jesus, Virgin and Doctor ot the Church, † 1582
Thu 16
Fri 17 St Ignatius, Bishop and Martyr, † towards 107
Sat 18 St Luke, Evangelist
Sun 19 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mon 20
Tue 21
Wed 22 St John Paul II, Pope, † 2005
Thu 23
Fri 24
Sat 25
Sun 26 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mon 27
Tue 28 Sts Simon and Jude, Apostles
Wed 29
Thu 30
Fri 31
Sat 1 All Saints
Sun 2 The Commemoration of all the Faithful departed (All Souls' Day)
Mon 3
Tue 4 St Charles Borromeo, Bishop, † 1584
Wed 5
Thu 6
Fri 7
Sat 8
Sun 9 Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
Mon 10 St Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church, † 461
Tue 11 St Martin of Tours, Bishop, † 397
Wed 12
Thu 13 All Saints of the Benedictine Family
Fri 14
Sat 15 St Albert the Great, Bishop and Doctor of the Church, † 1280
Sun 16 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mon 17
Tue 18
Wed 19
Thu 20
Fri 21 The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Sat 22 St Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr, 1st century
Sun 23 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Mon 24 St Andrew Dúng-Lạc, Priest, and his Companions, Martyrs, † 1845-1862
Tue 25
Wed 26
Thu 27
Fri 28
Sat 29
Sun 30 1st Sunday of Advent